The CFMI de l'Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France) is a ressources center in artistic and cultural education. We are concerned with all subjects linked to pedagogy, musical education, as well as music in schools. The English translations of our free digital publications are available on this website and at the iBooks Store.






Collection's titles


Eclair 1 coverMusicians in school space and school time
Martin Galmiche

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Eclair 2 coverDigital technology, a simple tool
Jean-Paul Delon

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Eclair 3 coverAssess to progress
Anne Marie Bastien

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Eclair 6 coverTeaching and trusting
Gérard Authelain

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Eclair 8 coverPartnerships, and young people
Dominique Gillet

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Eclair 9 coverPlaying against failures
Dierk Zaiser

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Eclair 12 coverPlay and learn
Valérie Louis

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Free downloads from this website of our ebooks in ePub format (tablets and mobile devices) or Mobi format (Kindle).
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Available at the iBooks Store.